weight seems an uphill task to many, especially when you need to lose weight in a couple of days.
And especially when you need to look good for an upcoming occasion or event.
For achieving quick weight loss like ten pounds in a week, people often resort to crash dieting or spend hours sweating out in the gym.
In fact, there are countless fad diets that enable you to shed pounds in a couple of days, but they have detrimental effects on your body and health, leaving you sick, hungry and nutrition deprived.
Of course, there are other painless ways to achieve this goal without dieting.
All you need to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle comprising of nutrition, fitness, proper sleep and hydration.
The best part is that these strategies not only enable you to lose ten pounds in a week’s time, but also help you to maintain a healthy weight in the long run. Here are 12 strategies to get you going.

1. Burn 5000 Calories More Than You Take In

In order to lose 10 pounds in a week, you need to burn 5000 more calories than you take in per day.
Agreed, that’s too much for an average person, but you have to push yourself to achieve this goal.
Also, it should be kept in mind that an average person burns about 2000 calories while doing normal routine activities.
This means that if you consume exactly 2000 calories through food every day, you will neither gain nor lose weight.
To burn extra calories, you can make simple changes in your lifestyle like walking instead of driving, taking stairs instead of the lift and simply breathing.

2. Do Not Skip Breakfast:

Breakfast is, undoubtedly, one of the most important meals of the day and skipping it in an urge to cut calories is not at all a great option.
In fact, several studies have shown that people who had breakfast regularly had comparatively lower BMIs than breakfast skippers.
So, kick start your day a healthy and nutritious way by having a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain cereal topped with fruit or low fat dairy. Y
ou can also have scrambled eggs to fulfil your protein requirements, but avoid heavy and oily foods for breakfast.

3. Incorporate Lean Proteins In Your Diet:

Incorporating lean proteins in your meals and snacks will keep you from overeating by keeping you full for longer.
You can try 98% lean beef, skinless chicken breast, eggs and certain fish like salmon.
For vegetarians, soy products like edamame or tofu, low fat yogurt, peanut butter, nuts and beans are good sources of lean proteins.
Besides, it is advisable to have frequent meals at an interval of 3 to 4 hours to maintain your blood sugar levels and avoid overindulgence.

4. Cut the Consumption of Simple Carbohydrates:

Simple carbs, also known as refined carbohydrates, get absorbed by our body quickly but provide zero nutrition.
So it is advisable to stay away from simple carbs like cookies, candies, molasses, honey, cakes and other baked sweets, and packaged cereals.

5. Avoid Fast Food:

Fast foods are synonymous of unhealthy foods. Besides being loaded with trans-fat, fast foods like fries, burgers and shakes contain a whopping amount of sugar and salt which can cause you to pile on the pounds.
They are also nil in terms of nutrition. Hence, if you want to shed ten pounds effectively, it is advisable to avoid fast foods completely.

6. Eat Smaller Portions:

It will be, indeed, pleasing to know that reducing your portion size by 10% to 20% can also lead to weight loss.
You can trim your portion size by using smaller bowls and plates or measuring cups to measure your portion sizes.
Eating smaller frequent meals will not only keep you full, but also boost your metabolism, thus leading to weight loss.

7. Avoid Late Night Snacking:

We can’t deny the fact that most of us indulge in mindless late night snacking while watching television or late night working.
We don’t realize that we are loading our bodies with unnecessary calories by doing so. It is advisable to have your dinner before 9 at night.
If you want to have dessert, you can have a bowl of light ice cream or frozen yogurt. After that, just brush your teeth so that you are less likely to eat or drink anything else.

8. Drink Plenty of Water:

Hydration is regarded as synonymous with water and drinking plenty of water is, undoubtedly, one of the best ways to keep oneself hydrated.
Ensure to drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.
Besides being devoid of calories, water keeps you full such that you are less likely to overeat.
To avoid hunger pangs in between meals, you can have a big glass of water.
Apart from water, there are other ways of hydration.
Unsweetened green tea, for instance, is a good option as it is rich in antioxidants and has zero calories.

9. Avoid Liquid Calories:

As stated earlier, to achieve the desirable weight loss, it is important to control the intake of calories and liquid calories are no exception.
The processed fruit juices, energy drinks and aerated drinks might appear tempting, but they load your body with about a third of your entire calories for the day.
Instead, you can quench your thirst with water, citrus juices or 100% percent fruit juices.
Vegetable juices are also a nutritious option to satisfy your hunger in between meals.
Alcohol calories should be particularly avoided as they add up quickly.
So it is advisable to restrict the consumption of wine or cocktails to weekends in order to save calories.

10.Compound Exercises:

Compound exercises involve working out multiple joints and are considered the best bodyweight exercises.
For instance, the exercises performed below navel work out your quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus, the three largest muscle groups in your body.
They create minor after-burn tears in the muscle fibres, causing a large burn in calories post workout as a lot of energy is required to repair those tears.
You can try compound exercises like bench press, squats, clean and press etc.

11. Weight Training:

Weight training is another way to lose weight effectively. In fact, it is a misconception that weight training is meant for building bigger muscles and not losing weight.
Weight training if done properly can speed up your fat burning process during workouts and even long after the workout is over.
Training with weight is anaerobic in nature that burns carbohydrates. Unlike aerobic training, it helps build lean body mass.
But it accelerates your metabolism, causing you to burn more fat. To effectively lose 10 pounds in a week, it is advisable to indulge in weight training routine involving compound exercises at a higher intensity level.

12. Proper Sleep:

Research has proved that sleep deprivation can cause you to gain weight.
This is simply due to the fact that the longer you are awake, the more you are likely to eat.
In fact, it is a common scenario that people who are in late night working often have several cups of coffee to avoid feeling sleepy.
The result is clear, they consume extra calories. The duration and quality of your sleep influence the production of certain hormones which are directly linked with your appetite.
While sleeping, you lose weight through two processes, namely respiration when you exhale and transpiration through your skin, also called sweating.
All these factors contribute to weight loss.

Try This Peculiar ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Excess weight in your midsection can be annoying—not only because it’s so darn tough to ditch, but because it also has an impact on your overall health.
Extra belly fat ups your risk of issues such as heart disease and diabetes, and, is filled with sneaky little saboteurs that make putting on the pounds in this area way too easy.
Due to changes in hormones, daily stresses, lack of sleep, coupled with possibly pregnancies, the fat women gain is often stored increasingly in the belly area.
And while you can’t exactly spot reduce, you can make lifestyle changes that can help you lose belly fat.
Here are 5 best science-backed strategies for reducing abdominal fat.

1. Clean up your diet

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times: Abs are made in the kitchen.
Unfortunately, if you regularly eat ultra-processed foods (think chips, store-bought baked goods, and candy), you won’t be able to see yours.
These foods are produced using sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup, which in high amounts has been shown to promote visceral fat accumulation in the liver, leading to weight gain, inflammation, and related diseases.
Instead, opt for eats that have healthy amounts of soluble fiber such as oatmeal, sweet potatoes, avocado, and citrus fruits. Research reveals that an increase in these foods is linked to a decrease in visceral—aka belly—fat.

2. Cut down alcohol consumption

Reducing alcohol intake can also help, says Fine. Alcohol contains about seven calories per gram—just a lesser amount than actual fat, which equates to nine calories per gram.
And because alcohol is absorbed quickly, when over-consumed, alcohol metabolism impairs metabolism of other macronutrients, such as carbs and fat. In turn, it promotes fat storage rather than fat breakdown.
While you’re rethinking your drinks, limit your consumption of carbonated beverages as well. Fizzy drinks, though yummy, can cause belly bloat.
Instead, stick to water, which can act as an appetite suppressant, as well as help flush out your body to decrease the feeling of being bloated.

3. Start exercising

Working out is good for more than just adding years to your life, boosting your brain health, and reducing stress levels—it can also help you rein in your gut. In fact, research in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that exercise specifically helps reduce visceral fat.
The key to losing belly fat with exercise, though, is making sure your sweat session is intense. You’ll want to be working at 85% of your max heart rate at least.
The higher your heart rate, the higher the release of epinephrine into the bloodstream and cells.
A positive side effect of epinephrine is that it also activates greater release of abdominal fat into the bloodstream to be used for energy.
So what type of exercise is best when it comes to burning belly fat? Intense weight training, Tabata interval training, sprint-style cardio, and kettlebell exercises.

4. Get enough sleep

Falling short on zzz’s is also a surefire way to put your waistline in jeopardy. That’s because sleep deprivation knocks your hunger hormones out of whack, leading to an increase in ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and a decrease in leptin, which signals when you are satiated.
What’s more, research has shown that when you aren’t well-rested, you’re also more likely to reach for junk food (hello Ben & Jerry’s!)—and it may even become harder for you to build muscle mass.
To help keep belly fat in check, aim to cuddle with your pillow for at least seven to eight hours each night. And if possible, hit the hay at the same time each night—one study found that women who did so and clocked around eight hours of sleep per night had lower body fat.

5. Control your stress

Stress, which can come in many forms, can wreak havoc on your health. Whether it’s something you consider to be a “big” deal, like working on a project to meet a crucial work deadline, or something smaller, like someone cutting you off on your morning commute. Your body treats it all the same way—by enacting your fight or flight response.
As your body’s perception of stress increases, cortisol, often called the stress hormone, is released from the adrenal glands. Normal levels are released when you wake up in the morning or during exercise. Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol and other stress hormones, leading to increases in sugar in the bloodstream, weight gain, digestive issues, depression, and a host of other health effects.
A study in Psychosomatic Medicine confirms the link between stress and weight gain, revealing that women who are most vulnerable to the effects of stress are more likely to have excess abdominal fat and higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
One reason could be that women tend to eat more, especially sweets, on days they are stressed.
Which is why it pays to keep your cool.
One way to do so: practicing mindfulness. According to a 2011 Journal of Obesity study, women who experienced the greatest reduction in stress by effectively mastering stress-reduction techniques tended to lose the most deep belly fat.
So go ahead and take some deep breaths, hit the mat for some anxiety-relieving yoga, or open up one of those guided-meditation apps. Your belly will thank you in the long run.

Try This Peculiar ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Not all calories are created equal.
Different foods go through different metabolic pathways in your body.
They can have vastly different effects on your hunger, hormones and the number of calories you burn.
Here are the 20 most weight-loss-friendly foods on earth that are supported by science.

1. Whole Eggs

Once feared for being high in cholesterol, whole eggs have been making a comeback.
Eggs are one of the best foods to eat if you need to lose weight. They are high in protein and fat, and are very satiating.
One study in 30 overweight women showed that eating eggs for breakfast, instead of bagels, increased feelings of fullness (satiety) and made participants eat less for the next 36 hours.
Eggs are also incredibly nutrient dense and can help you get all the nutrients you need on a calorie-restricted diet. Interestingly, almost all the nutrients are found in the yolks.

2. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens include kale, spinach, collards, swiss chards and a few others.
They have several properties that make them perfect for a weight loss diet, such as being low in calories and carbohydrates and loaded with fiber.
Eating leafy greens is a great way to increase the volume of your meals, without increasing the calories.
Numerous studies show that meals and diets with a low energy density make people eat fewer calories overall.
Leafy greens are also incredibly nutritious and very high in many vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, including calcium, which has been shown to aid fat burning.

3. Salmon

Fatty fish like salmon is incredibly healthy and very satisfying, keeping you full for many hours with relatively few calories.
Salmon is loaded with high-quality protein, healthy fats and various important nutrients.
Fish — and seafood in general — may also supply a significant amount of iodine.
This nutrient is necessary for proper thyroid function, which is important to keep your metabolism running optimally.
Studies show that a significant number of people don’t fill their iodine needs.
Salmon is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation, which is known to play a major role in obesity and metabolic disease.
Mackerel, trout, sardines, herring and other types of fatty fish are also excellent.

4. Lean Beef and Chicken Breast

Meat is a weight-loss-friendly food because it’s high in protein.
Protein is by far the most filling nutrient, and eating a high-protein diet can make you burn up to 80–100 more calories per day.
Studies have shown that increasing your protein intake to 25% of daily calories can cut cravings by 60%, reduce your desire for late-night snacking by half and cause weight loss of almost one pound (0.45 kg) per week.
If you’re on a low-carb diet, feel free to eat fatty meats. However, if you’re on a moderate- to high-carbohydrate diet, choosing lean meats may be more appropriate.

5. Boiled Potatoes

White potatoes seem to have fallen out of favor for some reason.
However, they have several properties that make them a perfect food — both for weight loss and optimal health.
They contain an incredibly diverse range of nutrients — a little bit of almost everything you need.
There have even been accounts of people living on nothing but potatoes alone for extended periods of time.
They’re particularly high in potassium, a nutrient that most people don’t get enough of and that plays an important role in blood pressure control.
On a scale called the Satiety Index, which measures how filling different foods are, white, boiled potatoes scored the highest of all the foods tested.
What this means is that by eating white, boiled potatoes, you will naturally feel full and eat less of other foods.
If you allow potatoes to cool for a while after boiling, they will form high amounts of resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that has been shown to have various health benefits, including weight loss.
Sweet potatoes, turnips and other root vegetables are also excellent.

6. Tuna

Tuna is another low-calorie, high-protein food.
It’s lean fish, meaning it’s low in fat.
Tuna is popular among bodybuilders and fitness models who’re on a cut, as it’s a great way to increase protein intake while keeping total calories and fat low.
If you’re trying to emphasize protein intake, make sure to choose tuna canned in water, not oil.

7. Beans and Legumes

Some beans and other legumes can be beneficial for weight loss.
This includes lentils, black beans, kidney beans and some others.
These foods tend to be high in protein and fiber, which are two nutrients that have been shown to lead to satiety.
They also tend to contain some resistant starch, like in boiled potatoes aid in weight loss.

8. Avocado

Avocado is a unique fruit.
While most fruits are high in carbs, avocados are loaded with healthy fats.
They’re particularly high in monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of fat found in olive oil.
Despite being mostly fat, avocados also contain a lot of water and fiber, making them less energy-dense than you may think.
What’s more, they’re a perfect addition to vegetable salads, as studies show that their fat content can increase carotenoid antioxidant absorption from vegetables.
To boot, avocaods also contain many important nutrients, including fiber and potassium.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular in the natural health community.
It’s often used in condiments like dressings or vinaigrettes, and some people even dilute it in water and drink it.
Several human-based studies suggest that apple cider vinegar can be useful for weight loss.
Taking vinegar at the same time as a high-carb meal can increase feelings of fullness and make people eat 200–275 fewer calories for the rest of the day.
Vinegar has also been shown to reduce blood sugar spikes after meals, which may have various beneficial health effects in the long term.

10. Nuts

Despite being high in fat, nuts are not as fattening as you would expect.
They’re an excellent snack, containing balanced amounts of protein, fiber and healthy fats.
Studies have shown that eating nuts can improve metabolic health and even promote weight loss.
What’s more, population studies have shown that people who eat nuts tend to be healthier and leaner than those who don’t.
Just make sure not to go overboard, as they’re still fairly high in calories. If you tend to binge and eat massive amounts of nuts, it may be best to avoid them.

11. Chili Peppers

Eating chili peppers may be useful on a weight loss diet.
They contain capsaicin, a substance which has been shown to reduce appetite and increase fat burning.
This substance is even sold in supplement form and a common ingredient in many commercial weight loss supplements.
One study showed that eating 1 gram of red chili pepper reduced appetite and increased fat burning in people who didn’t regularly eat peppers.

12. Grapefruit

One fruit that deserves to be highlighted is grapefruit. Its effects on weight control have been studied directly.
In a 12-week study in 91 obese individuals, eating half a fresh grapefruit before meals led to weight loss of 3.5 pounds.
The grapefruit group also had reduced insulin resistance, a metabolic abnormality that is implicated in various chronic diseases.
Therefore, eating half a grapefruit about half an hour before some of your daily meals may help you feel more satiated and eat fewer overall calories.

13. Coconut Oil

Not all fats are created equal.
Coconut oil is high in fatty acids of a medium length, called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).
These fatty acids have been shown to boost satiety better than other fats and increase the number of calories burned.
What’s more, two studies — one in women and the other in men — showed that coconut oil reduced amounts of belly fat.
Of course, coconut oil still contains calories, so adding it on top of what you’re already eating is a bad idea.
It’s not about adding coconut oil to your diet but about replacing some of your other cooking fats with coconut oil.

14. Full Fat Yogurt

Yogurt is excellent dairy food.
Certain types of yogurt contain probiotic bacteria that can improve the function of your gut.
Having a healthy gut may help protect against inflammation and leptin resistance, which is one of the main hormonal drivers of obesity.
Make sure to choose yogurt with live, active cultures, as other types of yogurt contain virtually no probiotics.
Also, consider choosing full-fat yogurt. Studies show that full-fat dairy — but not low-fat — is associated with a reduced risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes over time.
Low-fat yogurt is usually loaded with sugar, so it’s best to avoid it.

15. Whole Grains

Though cereal grains have received a bad reputation in recent years, some types are definitely healthy.
This includes some whole grains that are loaded with fiber and contain a decent amount of protein.
Notable examples include oats, brown rice and quinoa.
Oats are loaded with beta-glucans, soluble fibers that have been shown to increase satiety and improve metabolic health.
Both brown and white rice can contain significant amounts of resistant starch, particularly if cooked and then allowed to cool afterward.
Keep in mind that refined grains are not a healthy choice, and sometimes foods that have “whole grains” on the label are highly processed junk foods that are both harmful and fattening.

Try This Peculiar ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Simple (and small!) changes to your daily routine can help you slim down without dieting.
Making healthy choices, like eating breakfast and moving every day, is the first step to dropping the pounds and feeling energized.
A little planning ahead can go along way, as can stocking up on healthy foods so you don’t fall into a comfort-food rut after a long day.
The good news is you really don’t have to overhaul your entire eating routine or live at the gym to lose weight.
Here are 10 really quick and really simple science backed tips to help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

1. Eat a high-protein breakfast

Eating a high-protein breakfast has been shown to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day.

2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice

Although tasty, these are the most fattening things you can put into your body, and avoiding them can help you lose weight.

3. Drink water a half hour before meals

One study showed that drinking water a half hour before meals increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months.

4. Choose weight loss-friendly foods.

Certain foods are very useful for losing fat. Here is a list of the 15 most weight loss-friendly foods on earth.

5. Eat soluble fiber

Studies show that soluble fibers help reduce fat, especially in the belly area by keeping you full longer. Fiber supplements like glucomannan can also help.

6. Drink coffee or tea

If you’re a coffee or tea drinker, then drink as much as you want as the caffeine can in them boost your metabolism.

7. Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods

Base most of your diet on whole foods. They are healthier, more filling and much less likely to cause overeating.

8. Eat your food slowly

Fast eaters gain more weight over time. Eating slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones.

9. Weigh yourself every day.

Studies show that people who weigh themselves every day are much more likely to lose weight and keep it off for a long time.

10. Get a good night’s sleep, every night

Poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for weight gain, so taking care of your sleep is important.
Make sure you get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

Try This Peculiar ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

The key to slimming down quickly and safely is to achieve a certain balance between caloric consumption, utilization, and the internal chemical balance that stabilizes the body’s blood sugar levels, as it is quite dangerous (and also really hard) to sustain a caloric deficit just to shed pounds (aka starving yourself silly).
For a healthy weight loss regimen that can get your to shed 10 pounds in 10 days, here are 7 things you should get started on:

1. Perform your cardio first thing in the morning

Before you refill your “food tank”, make sure to burn “old fuel” by performing cardio exercises like walking, jogging, jumping jacks, running, or anything that speech up your heart rate.
Cardio exercises improve metabolism (how you burn calories). They also increase your uptake a beta endorphins – a natural kind of morphine that suppresses the appetite.

2. Cut your calorie intake

To slim down quickly, the next best move is to cut down calorie intake to just the right amount that your body needs.
Avoid foods that are high in calories and nothing else, such as salad dressings, fried foods, foods containing animal fats, and processed meats.
You may need to consult with your doctor as to how many calories to shave off your daily diet, but if you’re healthy, with no underlying medical conditions, you can reduce your food consumption by 300 – 500 calories a day.

3. Keep your exercises varied

To keep from getting bored (and dropping out of your weight loss regimen) and, more importantly, to slow down the plateau that everyone hits when certain routines are overdone (which translates to zero weight lost despite vigorous activity), switch to a new routine every 8 -12 weeks.
Ideally you should choose routines that target different muscle groups every time so you achieve a more uniformed toned physique.

4. Keep moving throughout the day

Simply because you exercise first thing in the morning does not mean not move for the rest of the day.
Maximize calorie burn by spreading physical activity throughout the day – perhaps a quick stretch at noon and a 10-minute chore (doing the dishes or laundry) at night.
In between, take the stairs instead of the elevator and get out of your chair every hour or so.

5. Eat small portions of food in regular intervals

Instead of sitting down to three huge meals a day taken at hours when you are already hungry, try to fit into your lifestyle four or five smaller meals every three hours.
The goal is to keep your blood sugar even throughout the day to prevent snacking in between (which could altogether sabotage your extensive cardio workouts).
Incorporated into your daily routine, smaller meals at regular intervals trick your body into thinking that there is no danger of famine and, therefore, no need to hoard fat.

6. Get enough sleep

If you are on a weight loss program, a lack of sleep creates hormonal changes that result in gaining weight instead of shedding.
This is because your body has to cope with insufficient hormones that are only produced during sleep by making you crave sugary, fatty foods.
Losing weight needs to be done in a healthy manner that does not compromise your basic bodily processes.

Try This Peculiar ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

In theory, we all that to lose weight fast, we all have to just burn more calories than we take in.
But anyone who’s tried to lose weight fast knows that reality can and have always worked against us (otherwise we won’t be finding ways to lose weight fast).
In reality, life gets in the way such that we would feel too tired to work out or too busy to plan ahead for healthy meals.
But fret not, you can still lose weight fast if you want to.
You just need to have the proper strategies in place to do it.
So, I’m going to share with you my 10 step plan to lose weight fast—and keeping it off for good.
Try them this week and you could see yourself 10 pounds lighter in the next 7 days.

1. Make a plan.

Successful long-term weight loss comes from a combination of nourishing diet and healthy exercise.
Outline the specific steps you need to achieve your ideal weight.
For example, one specific step might be to walk 30 minutes extra a day.

2. Visualize success.

The world’s best athletes envision themselves performing perfect techniques, a strategy that primes their body for success.
Do the same by visualizing how you want to look and feel after weight loss.
If it helps, post inspirational pics or phrases around the house.

3. Create a positive environment.

You probably will need to do some house cleaning to help you on your journey.
Dig into the pantry to clean out calorie-filled processed snacks, and free up your fridge from whole milk dairy, processed meats, and other high-calorie food traps.

4. Keep a journal.

Building self-awareness is a key weight loss strategy.
Keep a food and exercise diary where you can track exactly what you’re doing and when.
One of the smartest steps for getting to your ideal weight is to take a primer on portion sizes.

5. Learn about proper portions.

Don’t sink your quest to be healthy with ginormous portion sizes.

6. Schedule exercise.

From meetings to doctor’s appointments, you already make it a habit to schedule what’s important.
Your weight and health are just as important so put exercise on your calendar—and make that commitment to yourself.

7. Eat mindfully.

Each time the you want to eat something, drink a glass of water.
Then ask yourself if you’re still hungry. If the answer is “no,” then take the hand out of that bag of nuts and find something else do.
Whether it’s taking a walk or writing in a journal that you ‘escaped’ mindless eating at 2pm.

8. Get a fat buddy.

It can be tough to reach and maintain ideal weight on your own.
Team up with a like-minded friend (or connect with someone in the same boat online) so you can provide support and encouragement to each other.

9. Commit long-term.

Maintaining ideal weight can only happen with lifestyle change.
All too often, we shed pounds, do a victory dance and dive right back into bad habits.
Make this time the time that sticks.
Celebrate for a second and continue with the healthy journey.

Try This Peculiar ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Getting in shape is no easy feat.
It takes consistency, dedication, and effort.
While the journey can be challenging, there are a few extra things that you can do to speed up the process.
Apply these easy ways to shed fat fast to your daily routine in order to reach your weight loss goals quicker!

1. Eat more protein and healthy fats

Protein and dietary fat are fat-burning powerhouses.
Eating the right amount of both of these things can help you shed excess fat quickly.
Studies have shown that they both reduce appetite, boost metabolism, preserve muscle mass, and decrease the risk of belly-fat and weight gain.

2. Avoid refined carbs

Some examples of refined carbohydrates are processed food, pasta, cereal, and white bread.
These foods are not only deficient in nutrients, but also mess with blood sugar levels, often times causing you to feel hungrier.
A higher intake of refined carbohydrates has also been proven to put you at a greater risk of increased belly fat and waist size.
Instead, you should incorporate more whole grains into your daily diet.
These are foods like whole wheat, quinoa, and oats.
Whole grains have the opposite effect of refined grains, promoting lower weight, lower BMI, and a smaller waist circumference.

3. Fill up on fiber

Eating more fiber, specifically soluble fiber, will keep you fuller for longer, decreasing your appetite for snacking.
Studies have shown that adding just 10 extra grams of soluble fiber per day helped participants lose more belly fat. Furthermore, adding 14 grams daily led to a 10 percent decrease in calorie intake.
You should aim for at least 20 grams of fiber per day to get the maximum results.

4. Drink appropriately

Avoiding beverages like soda, diet soda, alcohol, fruit juices, etc. can help you lose a significant amount of body weight.
Even diet soda? Yes. While this beverage is free of calories, there is some evidence that artificial sweeteners used in diet soda actually increase sugar cravings.
Choose water, green tea, fruit-infused water, and black coffee instead of drinking high-calorie, nutrient deficient drinks.
Chug a glass of water right after waking and before every meal to keep your metabolism burning and your belly full. Drink at least 64 ounces each day.
Green tea and coffee contain caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, temporarily boosting metabolism by up to 11 percent.
It also has the ability to breakdown fat, assisting with further weight loss. Just make sure that you’re drinking coffee without cream and sugar.

5. Lift more weights

Lifting weights (or pumping iron) preserves and improves muscle mass and also boosts metabolism. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day.
Research has shown that 12 weeks of strength training and aerobic exercise combined was much more effective at burning fat than just aerobic exercise alone.
Additionally, another study has shown that after 10 weeks of strength training, participants experienced a 7 percent increase in calorie burn while at rest.
Keep in mind that heavier weights and lower reps will allow you to tone-up much more efficiently.

6. HIIT it up

Obviously any form of cardiovascular exercise (walking, jogging, running, biking, swimming, etc…) will be beneficial to fat loss, however the best choice is HIIT.
This is High-Intensity Interval Training.
This form of exercise utilizes short bursts of heart-pumping moves with even shorter rest periods. The goal is to boost your metabolism, increasing fat burn. HIIT is fast and effective so you can get it done and get on with your day.
One study has shown that HIIT burns 30 percent more calories in the same amount of time as traditional cardio.
It is recommended that you get at least 75 minutes of HIIT in each week.

7. Plan your workouts

One of the biggest excuses for not exercising is “not enough time”. By planning and scheduling your workouts, you can forget all about this excuse.
Scheduling an appointment with yourself will keep you on the path to success.
When you stay consistent, you will burn fat fast!

Try This Peculiar ‘Carb-Trick’ That Melts Up To 1 Pound Each Day

”All this by Flavor-Pairing?” I asked.
I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked.
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did.
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…
They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’